Human Resources

Alvanda’s mission is to empower every professional with the tools, knowledge, and support they need to produce outstanding results and enjoy their work.

And there’s probably no better area of business in which our mission shines than in the crucial area of Human Resources.

Being staff-focused at its core, or in other words, helping teams of 20 people be so effective that they produce more work than teams of 40, Alvanda aids HR professionals in literally every single part of their functions. 

A few of which we’re going to discuss here today.

Strategic Planning 

Alvanda has summarized thousands of pages of the world’s leading professionals on all areas of business, into simple to use tools any professional can pick up and gain value from in literal minutes. 

Alvanda Roadmaps is one of those features.

With Roadmaps, HR Teams can outline an entire year’s worth of planning into Quarterly Outcomes (or themes) around specific areas, such as Employee Development or HR Protocols Improvement, helping them reach all their HR-specific goals by bringing much higher levels of clarity into exactly how we’re going to reach their big goals. 

Step by step, quarter by quarter.

Business Alignment

A core function of HR Teams is to align all staff from every department towards the attainment of overarching business goals.

Alvanda’s Strategic Initiatives feature helps HR Teams do exactly that. 

Each long-term goal from every area of the business can be broken down into Quarterly Strategic Initiatives, each of which providing teams with clarity on:

  1. The exact Desired Outcome in the next 90 days
  2. The exact Action Steps that will help us reach that outcome
  3. The exact People responsible for each Action Step
  4. The exact Milestones and Due Dates for each Action Step
  5. Are we behind, on track, or ahead? (Automatically calculated)
  6. Exactly how will we know if we succeeded
  7. How will each person on the team be rewarded IF the Desired Outcome is reached. 

Grouping all actions of every single team member into achieving specific outcomes helps companies create levels of alignment and focus like never before.

Cultural Alignment

Another core function of HR Teams is ensuring that whilst their colleagues are performing their own key responsibilities, they do so under the guidance of the Company’s Core Values, Standards, and other Guiding Documents.

Alvanda helps companies in both defining and displaying Guiding Documents to everyone in the company at the press of a button. 

Alvanda warmly invites HR Professionals alongside their Leadership team to clearly articulate and publish their:

  1. Vision
  2. Mission
  3. Core Values
  4. Company-Wide Standards

We strongly believe every company should have at least these 4 Guiding Documents. Any person that does not wish to follow these guides should be invited to leave and find employment elsewhere. 

Allowing the company to build a strong foundation of individuals that share the same values and have a strong desire to work towards a vision they all believe in. 

Building this team and ethos is arguably THE most important function of HR Teams. If you succeed at this one thing, everything else will be much easier. 

Workforce Planning

All business goals tend to be cordially attached to the Organizational Roles and the Team Members that are or will fulfill them. 

Alvanda helps HR Teams easily build out the entire Organizational Chart that will best accommodate the achievement of the Company’s Goals. 

If one of the principal issues of the company at this point is not having enough qualified leads in the pipeline for Sales to handle, then HR can help make improvements in the Marketing section of the Org Chart, creating clear structure within the Company.

The end result is visual, clear, and useful. 

Alvanda also helps in the process of Role Definition itself (otherwise called Job Descriptions), laying forth a complete set of principles helping both the Company and the people within any given Role to have the highest chances of working well together. These principles include defining each Role’s:

  1. Desired Outcomes (eg. Generate 30 MQLs per quarter)
  2. Guidelines on how they should fulfill their role
  3. Strategic Work (eg. Write new email scripts) 
  4. Tactical Work (eg. Send 100 emails)
  5. Resources they will have to succeed in their role
  6. Accountability rules – to whom, how often, and with what data
  7. Consequences – For both success and failure

Such levels of specificity allow no room for misunderstanding, and make room for very productive conversations around the ongoing performance of each Team Member.

Recruitment and Hiring

Alvanda’s systems allow HR teams to both define and perform all recruiting functions, whilst maintaining the highest level of effectiveness the company is capable of. 

Now, because Recruitment has so many different functions, we decided to create a separate Alvanda Use Case for Recruitment Teams.

If your HR Team also does Recruitment, we recommend reading through that Use Case as well. 


Wesrom Corporation, the company that is building and promoting Alvanda, has a hiring and onboarding process of 141 Steps. 

You read that right, 141 Steps are taken to hire 1 individual. 

That process was built through over a decade of trials and errors, practice, and conscious improvements. 

Why so much effort into this 1 process out of over 300 processes the company has in place? 

Because hiring the exact person that will deliver amazing results and love their work for every single position is one of the single most effective ways to both grow your company and stay true to its values. 

Every person hired by Wesrom has to:

  1. Participate to multiple interviews
  2. Pass various technical tests
  3. Be taught the Company’s Guiding Docs
  4. Prove they’ve learned everything
  5. Add value to the company from week one

This entire process takes around 4 months. But… when done well, it leads to A-Players that add millions of dollars to the bottom line across a decade of tenure. 

Similarly, Alvanda can help any HR Team set up their entire Onboarding Process from start to finish within the System, ensuring every new hire has the highest chances of both thriving in and enjoying their role. 

Employee Development

In Alvanda, we believe once new Team Members are hired they should be part of what is commonly called Employee Development Programs. 

Within Alvanda, seeing the majority of Companies and Employees shifting to Contractor relationships, due to the higher amount of flexibility and benefits it provides both sides, we call them Personal Development Plans. Or PDPs for short.

As every experienced HR Professional will know, PDPs are two-way communication platforms between each individual Team Member and either their direct Manager or with HR, where both sides can give feedback on one another’s performance. 

These are considered safe spaces where people can both voice their concerns and/or discuss ways to grow together.

Sometimes, these improvements are in the form of Skills Training, to help Team Members pick up skills that will make them move valuable and deliver better results. 

Alvanda’s Systems help HR Teams both structure Personal Development Plans and build Skills Training directly within the platform.

Performance Reviews

Anyone with enough experience in business will understand the importance of Performance Reviews. 

Managers that fail to do them correctly, statistically speaking, will ultimately fail. And Managers that conduct them correctly tend to ultimately succeed. 

Alvanda makes it very easy for HR Professionals to both design and conduct recurring Performance Reviews.

Alvanda also automatically stores and centralizes all insights drawn from these Performance Reviews, making it easy to both find and make decisions from them in the future. 

Compliance Protocols

On the more bureaucratic side, HR Teams are typically responsible for maintaining compliance with local, national, or international labor laws, safety regulations, and everything in between. 

Alvanda helps HR Teams design, implement, and keep updated compliance procedures that comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

HR Professionals just need to design such procedures once, set their recurrence periods, and they’re done. 

They only need to come back to the procedure if anything in the law changes, and even then, making changes to Procedures within Alvanda takes less than 2 minutes and updates all future occurrences automatically. 

Also, Alvanda can help with many other aspects of corporate bureaucracy, which we explain in our article on how Alvanda helps Business Administration Teams.

Employee Benefits And Payroll

Some companies leave payroll within the HR Function, which makes perfect sense considering many Team Members might have benefits, commissions, or other performance bonuses attached to their payments. 

At the same time, within Alvanda, we believe that anything that has to do with money should be run through the Finance and Accounting Department and, as such, you can go here to learn more about how Alvanda helps Finance and Accounting Teams.

Talent Attraction and Engagement

In some companies, HR Teams are also responsible for “Humanizing” a company’s brand. Organizing events with staff, taking or gathering pictures, conducting in-house staff interviews, and then putting together cross-platform content strategies to show future candidates what it’s like to work at their company. 

Within Alvanda, internal initiatives such as organizing staff events and conducting staff interviews are easy to create, implement, and store marketing materials from. 

HR Professionals only need to:

  1. Define the steps they want taken in each instance and 
  2. Decide on the recurrence frequency. 

When it comes to publishing all that great content online to help both attract and convert the right people to your organization, we have an entire Alvanda Use Case For Marketing Teams.

Company-Wide 360 Surveys 

And finally, no Business HR Function is complete without regular 360 Surveys, 

Whether your company has 3 questions on your 360 Survey or 30 questions, Alvanda makes it easy for HR Professionals to:

  1. Build out the survey quickly,
  2. Ask everyone in the company to fill it, and
  3. (Automatically) Centralize all recipes in one place.

Getting a pulse on or feedback from your team has never been easier, with Alvanda.

Final Thoughts 

After over two years in development, Alvanda entered the Business Management Tools market not with MORE features; as we believe most other Business Management Tools have too many features no one actually uses. 

Instead, Alvanda proposed to enter the market with the exact tools that companies need to actually help them:

  1. Set the direction of the company,
  2. Align every team member with that direction, and
  3. Manage all work to its highest possible quality.

This is Alvanda. And this is our invitation to you, to join us on our mission to empower your team with the tools, knowledge, and support they need to produce outstanding results and enjoy their work.

Schedule a Demo Call today, and our team of business process optimization specialists will gladly help set up your business on top of Alvanda.