Alvanda Roadmap Voting Poll – May 2024 Results 

Today, it is our pleasure to share with you the results from the Alvanda Roadmap Voting Poll we had live this past week of May of 2024.

It’s been a couple weeks since we released the Alvanda Development Update 1.6.21 – Prepare For Liftoff! 

We’ll share with you the list of features below, starting with the most voted feature, down to the least voted one. 

So, let’s get right into it! 

If you want the video version watch below:

1. Guiding Documents (12 Votes)

Right now, within Alvanda, companies can define four Guiding Documents. Their:

  • Vision Statement
  • Mission Statement
  • Core Values
  • Organizational Standards

This feature will give companies the ability to have as many documents within Alvanda as they wish. 

A few examples here can be:

  • Etiquette When Speaking With Clients, 
  • Company Address & Contact Info, or
  • Common Sense Reminders (our favorite)

2. Procedure Templates (8 Votes)

Right now, every new Alvanda account comes with 6 Component Templates (such as Prospect, Contract, and Invoice).

These help companies understand what Components are and how to use them within their Procedures. 

At the same time, we’ve been told it would be helpful to have a set of 5-10 Sample Procedures, created directly by the Alvanda Team, that can be used as starting examples or even cloned.

3. Improved Reports (7 Votes)

Within Alvanda you can already see various different reports, such as Progress Towards Quarterly Goals, or Individual Timesheets. 

This feature adds the ability to see additional Reports, such as

  • Time spent per person per day, 
  • Activities done per person per day, 
  • Future allocation of time/tasks per person per day.

4. Custom SMTP integration (7 Votes)

This feature would allow business emails sent from Alvanda to be sent from YOUR domain instead. 

In other words, instead of your Team Members getting notification emails from, they can get emails from 

This feature also paves the way for future features such as auto-emailing clients/vendors, etc., which based on what we’ve heard so far from our community of paying clients, will prove super valuable. 

5. A Form Builder (7 Votes)

Where you can create forms that can be embedded on a website which, when filled in and submitted, automatically populate Components AND auto-start specific procedures.

As you can imagine, this has a plethora of use cases, all of which can both save time and improve your business flows. 

Some examples are:

  1. Lead Capture Forms
  2. Customer Support Forms
  3. Product/Service Order Forms

6. Webhooks / API Integrations (6 Votes)

We’ve decided a while ago to postpone building out Webhooks/API Integrations until our actual users ask for specific use cases. 

Otherwise, we might have built integrations no one would have ever used. 

This way, our Community Members show us what they want, and we can build exactly those integrations for them! 

As an example use case we got from one of our dear Community Members: 

Let’s say one of your clients emails support@yourcompany. 

Based on that email, a Task with the appropriate Procedure would be automatically created within Alvanda, and assigned to the correct Position or Person, which can then follow the assigned Procedure. 

Oh, and a pre-defined due date can also be assigned! 

This will remove the need to manually create such Tasks, and many others!

7. Choose Onboarding Procedures PER Position (4 Votes)

Ever wished each person that joins your Company can have an educational and unique onboarding experience, specific to their role?

Well, this is what this feature will do! 

As an example, imagine that every time you invite a new Salesperson, a specific set of Tasks (with associated Procedures and Due Dates) will be automatically delegated to them!

This way, Salespersons will have tasks to review Sales Proposals and Recordings, HR to review Taking Days Off Procedures, and so on. 

8. Assign Tasks in Bulk (4 Votes)

This feature can also have a ton of very helpful use cases.

For example, imagine 1 HR Professional creates 1 New Task, associates the 360 Company Survey Procedure to it, and then delegates it to EVERYONE in the company, with just 1 click.

9. Table View for Components of the Same Type (3 Votes)

Right now within Alvanda, we have a “Cards” View, where you can filter and sort however you wish. 

At the same time, some people prefer Table Views, where the different Component Fields would be columns, and the information from within each Component would be rows.

This way, users can view more information on 1 screen, and also compare one Component to another.

10. Multi-Company Support (3 Votes)

Originally, this was one of the most requested features: The ability for users to switch between multiple companies, with the same email OR different emails.

This would be similar to how you can switch between Workspaces in Slack, or between Google accounts in Gmail. 

11. Calendar (Week) View for Tasks (3 Votes)

We’ve envisioned a simplified view of viewing tasks (Overdue, Today, and Later) which we’ve gotten great feedback on until now. 

To no surprise, a different view got very few votes. 

Still, as soon as we implement this feature, you will be able to see which tasks are due on exactly which days and at what times of the day. 

This schedule would be populated automatically for users, based on their tasks.

12. Leadership Team ABOVE Departments (2 Votes)

Right now within Alvanda you can have 1 “Company Owner” Position, 1 GM/CEO, and then the various different Departments underneath. 

This new feature would allow an entire Leadership Team to be created ABOVE the Departments. 

If this is built, for example, the Director of Finance can be made to report directly to the COO (instead of the General Manager/CEO).

Final Thoughts

We’re very happy and humbled to have had so many companies vote and share their thoughts with us during this Alvanda Roadmap Voting Poll! 

Some of the features we were planning to build out interestingly enough got ZERO votes. As such, we will listen to our Community and put those features on the backburner.

If one of the features you voted and really wanted isn’t in the top of this list: Don’t worry! 

Our plan is to set up another Alvanda Roadmap Voting Poll in 2-3 months. 

Until then, we will 100% implement Guiding Documents and Procedure Templates, plus many other small improvements that Members have been and will keep asking for during this time. 

We’re excited to keep building Alvanda into the best business management software on the market! 

Thanks again to everyone who voted, and see you within Alvanda!